Thursday, April 29, 2004

Mathematics Archives - Lessons and Tutorials

Cryptography Archive

Ronald L. Rivest : Cryptography and Security

Friday, April 23, 2004

Mcafee dokumentation

Saturday, April 03, 2004


I always break resolutions and promises . I tried my best to avoid breaking resolutions .Again today I have done same . It looks like a ritual to break one resolution per day . So you may be thinking I am having more resolutions . NO I m having one resolutions and breaking & making again ..

okay so what's my resolution ? What the heck why I have to give more important to resolutions . I always think about others lifestyle and copying the best of others . May be that's why my resolution is breaking ?

One of my Friend said New year resolutions will not change year by year . It is all same for every year . But my resolution is daily I wont want to change it . Today I have added another resolution .i.e not breaking resolution..

I hope will not break it again ... Hope is life ..

PS: this is just a rumblings ..


Outsourcing . Right or wrong :

Nobody in America can say correct answer for this question .If you are a good economist you can foresee the fruits of outsourcing . @ the same time we have to see pain for American workers . it is not their fault . It is fault of American way of life and education . If the Pizza delivery person and a entry level help desk technician wil earn same money then americans will not go forward to learn more . America has to reform itself to out a tough fight with outsourcing rather than crying . Every day i m hearing same news from all channels , my jobs are going to INDIA . This is not TRUE . All job losses are not due to Off shore .Due to tech spending limit imposed by big corporations and 9/11 making american life miserable . I feel sorry for fellow innocent American who only care about his mortgage and his pet health when other side of earth constantly struggling to breath. Now americans are visiting Indian web sites to get to know about INDIA ..

For Americans , they may not know that India is powerful economy until British ruled India . so during the industrial Revolution Indians are fighting with whites /Dutches for India freedom and thus INDIA missed bus . Now during IT revolutions , it captured due to well administrered Education system and it is powerful work force .

Solution :

1. Revamp entire American Education system with more science and Math rather than crafts and Music .
2. Raise the low wage
3. Put the restriction in Mcdonalds and other lower paid jobs should be available to teen age for only 10 hours a week and after 21 they can work full time .
4. Lower the cost of higher studies and make loans are affordable and remove student loan from Credit card score base APRs..
5. Provide Green cards to Foreign students so that they wil continue to fuel US economy

you can add more . but i feel if US do above points then they can beat outsource backclash ..